Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Springtime Learning

Finally! Spring is here. At least today. Take advantage of the warm weather and the extended daylight by taking the learning outdoors. Springtime opens up another world; just outside the door. There are lots of fun family activities to help celebrate the temperatures while sneaking a little learning in too.

A Scavenger Hunt is an activity in which the whole family can participate. Go on a walk outside and look for something colorful or for something that smells sweet. Listen for a loud dog barking or the soft sounds of a bird. Ask your child to look for something that feels soft, hard or scratchy. The ideas are limitless and tap into how children learn best; through their senses. There are lots of opportunities to introduce vocabulary while your on the hunt and the best part is that the children will hear new words in context.

Walks around the neighborhood also lend themselves to new vocabulary words. Whether holding hands or pushing the stroller, talk to your child about what you see. Use descriptive words as you talk and point; helping your child to make the connection. When you've arrived home, ask your child about the most interesting thing that they saw on the walk. I'll bet that after a few miles around the block, your child is using the descriptive language in their discussions with you.

We can do more than walk outdoors. We can skip, jump, roll and gallop. The room afforded by the outdoors gives us a safe place to test out our bodies to see what they can do! If you're feeling really  bold, take a trip to the playground. Climbing up the monkey bars, balancing on the logs, and sliding down the slide all give children experiences with moving their bodies. These experiences culminate into strong, capable bodies that can navigate the world around them.

Rain, flowers blooming, mud and bugs are all a part of the season of spring. Take advantage of the season and give your child a new experience to wonder about and to explore.